a10n = abbreviation
A11l = American Idol
A31e = A goal is a dream with a deadline
a7d = abandoned
am9n = amortization
B10e = Bitcoin Core
b18r = brick & mortar store
b20r = better late than never
b7h = bandwidth
b8n = blockchain
c10n = conversation
c11n = communication
c11s = consciousness
c11y = cybersecurity
c12e = cancel culture
c13y = crypto-currency aka crypto currency
c14k = commonplace book #commonplacebook
c20s = critical path analysis
c5t = correct
c6y = category
c7y = community
c8ed = categorized
c8n = connection
c8s = categories
c9d = credit card
c9g = calendaring (gerund)
c9s = communities
d10e = decentralize
d10er = decentralizer
d12e = data warehouse
d12n = documentation
d12r = display driver
d13y = declare victory
d14n = decentralization
d14y = declared victory
d15y = declaring victory
d20n = difficult conversation, compare with e20n
d24t = disembodied soulless robot
d32k = decentralized social media network
d37y = distributed and self-sovereign identity
d5y = display
d6e = database
d7d = dashboard
D8h = Ducksearch
d8n = discussion
d8y = dependency
d9p = desktop app
e11e = email archive
e12t = expense report
e15t = earth environment
E25t = Excel Number Stored as Text
e6s = emphasis
e7e = emphasize
e7t = excellent
e9n = emphasis on
E9o = Excel macro
f10n = fountain pen
f11e = facial tissue (generic Kleenex)
F13l = Facebook Portal
F14e = Firefox Lockwise
f15g = found by Googling
f5d = factoid
G10e = Google Drive
g10r = get-together
G10s = Google Books
G11s = Google Sheets
G13e = Google Timeline
G13r = Google Calendar
G13s = Google Contacts
G14e = Google Translate
G14t = Google Assistant
g15e = glowing rectangle
G22r = Google Calendar reminder
G27g = Gmail plussed user addressing
G6I4s = Google Images
G6P4s = Google Photos
G8c = Google Doc
G8ps = Google Maps
G9ce = Godincidence
G9ks = Google Tasks
G9s = Google Docs, different use from G8cs
h10s = hearing aids
h18f = hashtag note to self (#noteToSelf)
i10n = interruption
i12n = implementation
I14e = Internet Archive
i7n = ibuprofen
i7w = interview
i7y = inventory
i9g = interesting
i9t = improvement
l18y = learning opportunity
L21r = Lady Chatterley’s Lover
l24r = longer-than-I-can-remember
M12d = Microsoft Word
M12e = Microsoft Edge
m13g = mountain biking
M13h = MySQL Workbench
M13o = Microsoft To Do
M15e = Microsoft Surface
M15s = Microsoft Windows; considered W5s, but this is better
m17r = mysterious behavior
M18p = Messages Android app
M18t = Microsoft SharePoint
M20b = Microsoft Feedback Hub
m24e = measure twice and cut once
M7t = Microsoft
m8p = membership
m9e = maintenance aka maint
n10n = notification as it pertains to computer and phone i10ns, including the less-intrusive methods
n8g = networking
n8h = next month
o10n = organization
O11e = Orange Menace
o12s = organize notes
o17s = open-investigations
o6e = organize
o8g = organizing
o9y = opportunity
p10n = presentation
p10y = productivity
p12n = prioritization
p13l = private channel
p13n = procrastination
P13y = Pandemic Legacy
p18t = preparing to restart
p19y = personal productivity
p21g = plussed user addressing
p23n = planning & prioritization
p6d = password
p6g = planning
p6y = priority
p7on = production
p7ze = prioritize
p8a = phantosmia
p8e = productive
p8s = priorities
p9e = performance
P9e = Pivot Table
pa7e = passphrase
r10p = relationship
r11y = recommended by
r12n = reconciliation
R12r = Radical Candor
R14r = Windows 10 Resource Monitor
r14s = reasonable guess
r6g = reading
r6ing = restarting
r7g = recycling
r8g = recruiting
s10a = social media (better than SoMe or qqSoMe)
s11n = splash screen
S14o = Satoshi Nakamoto
s15g = social networking
S15M = Slack personal DM—where one can talk to oneself
S19l = Slack private channel
s19n = system administration
S21r = South Dakota v. Wayfair
s21s = stream of consciousness
s24n = structured procrastination
s6n = solution or soln
s8t = screenshot
s9e = screenshare
s9t = spreadsheet
s9y = serendipity
Skif18m = Skif’s Internet Theorem
T10r = Task Manager (Windows 10)
t10t = talked about
T11m = Texas hold’em
T11r = The Moviegoer by W10y
T14r = The Jesus Prayer
t15g = tactical planning
t19s = total billable hours
t6w = tomorrow
t7e = test case
T87h25 = The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth. 25th anniversary ed.
t8e = transcribe
t8n = transition
u11d = uncategorized
v10r = vertical bar because it’s hard to search on ‘|'
v11n = visualization
v12n = virtualization
W10 = Windows 10
W10y = Walker Percy
W12m = Wilhelm scream
W13e = Wayback Machine
w14n = we have moved on
W15t = Windows Spotlight
y7y = yesterday
Image copied from techcompose.com/internationalization-i18n-in-ruby-on-rails/