
I am living in Colorado. I am a human being, not a human do-ing. Key phrases: computer scientist; artificial intelligence student; Gen-X; Christian worldview; philosophy; theology; data, information, knowledge, & wisdom (DIKW); open source; high-tech retiree

I am caring for the people I love the most, striving to love my neighbor, and re-energizing (my primary hobby is reading and writing on the internet).

Every day I listen to the ESV: Daily Office Lectionary. You should, too. (Derek Sivers, you are in my daily prayers.)

I ride my bicycle when the weather starts fair. I don’t mind riding in the rain. I hike even when it’s not so fair. Look me up on Strava, as biking and hiking are a couple ways I re-energize.

Kudos Derek Sivers for the idea to make a Now page. See

Tim Chambers @tbc